Nutritious Skin Care
In Scandinavia, we have a dry climate, so we need to take extra care to protect our skin. Naturally, the skin produces a protective fatty acid mantle of sebum. This ensures that foreign particles such as bacteria, dirt and pollutants do not penetrate the skin. This fatty acid mantle also contains moisturising factors such as lactic acid, which helps the skin to retain moisture. Thus, your skin should basically take care of itself and ensure that the skin is kept elastic and moisturized. Unfortunately, many people disrupt this moisturising and protective layer by using the wrong products and skin care routines for their skin type. For example, many use a drying face wash and then compensate with various creams. Most creams also contain, to some extent, chemicals and additives that further disrupt the skin's balance. This leads to a vicious cycle of dependency on multiple products to make the skin feel soft and supple again. If you want to get rid of your skin problems, you should break this pattern. With organic, natural and vegan skincare products from MyAroma Naturals, production is regulated so that you can regain your skin's natural balance.
Nutrition for the skin
It doesn't matter if you have normal, dry or oily skin, all skin types can use extra moisture and nourishment. MyAroma Naturals offers delightful face creams. Including micro algae, dittany oil and cistus natural ingredients that make the skin soft and comfortable. The natural ingredients boost your skin with nourishment and radiance. Your skin will be velvety smooth and deeply moisturized. Some customers wonder if it matters much which moisturizer they choose. With these creams, you'll feel the difference. The feeling of slathering yourself with nourishing ingredients is amazing. Your skin will be smooth and healthy.
They are ideal for dry environments and climates. Especially in Scandinavia, it is important to moisturise the sensitive skin of the face with a moisturiser and protect it from the cold.
We recommend
Golden 24H Face Cream Anti-age normal skin
Golden 24H Face Cream Anti-ageing Dry
Why we choose natural ingredients
There are thousands of creams on the market today to choose from. These contain a range of ingredients, some natural and some far from natural. We encourage you to always read the back of the product to find out what it contains. Pay attention. Many products advertise themselves as natural but contain chemicals.
Ethylhexyl Palmitate and Sorbitan Oleate are two common substances in skincare products that are linked to organ toxicity, allergies and skin irritation. Mineral oil is also commonly found in skin care products. These block the pores of the skin and increase the risk of allergies, skin rashes and even tumours. They have been linked to liver and kidney damage. Mineral oil is made from crude oil just like the oil you use in your car engine. It is then used in skin care products because of its viscosity. But this substance also destroys the skin's natural ability to eliminate toxins. Be aware, mineral oil can be disguised under different names.
Remember that there are a lot of substances in your skin care products that are downright harmful to your skin. Below is a list of some of them:
Propylene Glycol: Propylene Glycol is a form of mineral oil (also used in brake and hydraulic fluids and industrial antifreeze) that retains moisture. Propylene Glycol has been linked to skin irritation, liver and kidney damage and allergies. May cause acne. It is rapidly absorbed into the skin and is a penetration enhancer, i.e. it increases the absorption of other ingredients in the product through the skin into the bloodstream.
Sorbitan Oleate: linked to organ toxicity and mild skin irritation
Propylparaben , Phenoxyethanol , Methylparaben, Benzyl Benzoate, and Benzyl Salicylate: Parabens are commonly added to creams as preservatives. These ingredients are hormonal. Many studies have linked parabens with breast cancer.
Glycerin: It dries out the skin from the inside out, by pulling moisture from the skin and holding it to the surface. However, not the glycerin that is produced plant-based. That's the one we have in some creams, and it adds moisture to the skin.
Alcohols: not all alcohols have the same properties, but some can be drying and irritating to the skin, especially if in large amounts. Alcohol is added because it is germicidal. Often low on the ingredient list, and is then in very small amounts.
Perfumes: be careful as many fragrances are made from ingredients that are toxic or carcinogenic.
Octinoxate also known as octyl-methoxycinnamate: Studies link this substance to breast cancer.
Avobenzone: Avobenzone can block UVA and UVB rays, but when exposed to UV light, it can start a chain reaction of free radicals that can cause cancer. Used in sunscreen.
Nanoparticles: this is something new in skin care. Nanoparticles are dangerous ingredients in medical skin care, especially in anti-wrinkle creams. By reducing the size of ingredients to an ultra microscopic scale, they can penetrate deep into the skin, into the bloodstream and to organs throughout the body.
Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil: Hydrogenated vegetable oils have been linked to heart disease, breast and colon cancer, atherosclerosis and elevated cholesterol.
PEG-6 Stearate, PEG-32 Stearate, PEG-75 Stearate: (The higher the number the more dangerous) PEG has been linked to cancer, developmental and reproductive toxicity, pollution, organ toxicity, and skin irritation. A study published in the International Journal of Toxicology shows that PEG may contain harmful impurities such as ethylene oxide, known to increase the risk of uterine, brain, or breast cancer, and leukemia.

You apply these substances daily. They can cause life-threatening diseases. If you want to avoid them, MyAroma Naturals products are a good choice. What we usually say is that if you can't eat it, don't rub it on your skin. This is because a lot of what you rub in will get into your body, just not through your mouth but through your skin. It only takes 26 seconds for strong chemicals to be absorbed into the bloodstream through the skin.