Enjoy natural showers & baths
You shower several times a week with soap to get your body clean and soft. The warm shower opens your pores and substances are more easily absorbed into the skin. So make sure you use good products without chemicals that can damage your skin and your health. With MyAroma Naturals, you can enjoy warm, relaxing and nourishing showers & baths every day.
Some chemicals from your skin products pass directly through your skin into your body. The rest is washed away in the shower and sink when you wash. Think about all the creams and facial cleansers that go straight down the drain. It washes away, but that doesn't mean it disappears. On the contrary. Chemicals are unnatural substances that in many cases are not biodegradable. Substances such as EDTA & Triclosan that you find in your soaps, creams, deodorants and toothpastes don't get caught in the active carbon filter in sewage treatment plants and can therefore also end up in our drinking water. The chemicals remain in the water cycle. This is the water you drink every day. This is not sustainable for you or the environment. MyAroma Naturals cares about your health, in more ways than one. First, all of our skincare ingredients that make their way into your body are good for both your skin and your health. In the long run, we also want to reduce chemicals in our cycle by educating and offering cleansers and skincare products made from renewable raw materials and biodegradable ingredients. Together we make a big difference.